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Women’s health
Health issues and subjects specific to women, such as menstruation, contraception, maternal health, child birth, menopause and breast cancer. These issues are often related to the female human anatomy such as female genitalia and breasts or to conditions caused by hormones specific to females.
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Women’s health
Health care; Women’s health
在地球的大氣層中找到很多化學化合物作為"溫室氣體"。這些氣體允許自由進入大氣的陽光。當地球的陽光的表面,有些是暖房回作為紅外輻射 (熱)。溫室氣體吸收紅外輻射和陷阱,大氣中的熱量。很多氣體展示這些"溫室"屬性。其中一些發生在自然 (水汽、 二氧化碳、 甲烷和一氧化二氮),而有些則是專為人類作出 (某些工業氣體)。 ...