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Women’s health
Health issues and subjects specific to women, such as menstruation, contraception, maternal health, child birth, menopause and breast cancer. These issues are often related to the female human anatomy such as female genitalia and breasts or to conditions caused by hormones specific to females.
Industry: Health care
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Women’s health
Health care; Women’s health
去除的部分或全部的正文部分,除了身體器官的。它通常在醫院手術室手術期間發生的 。這是因為糖尿病、 血管硬化或其它任何妨礙血液迴圈的疾病的身體部分或問題損傷的 。,它也為了防止骨癌細胞的擴散。很多截肢者都能夠裝上假肢。 ...