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Human trafficking
The buying and selling of human beings for profit. Human trafficking is an extremely serious crime and a gross violation of human rights, which can be classified as a modern form of slavery. The goal of this section is to raise awareness of the problem and to show what is being done at EU-level and in the Member States to fight this injustice, to promote exchange of ideas and cooperation between all organisations, and to help people involved in the fight against trafficking in human beings and the protection of victims.
Industry: Human rights; Law enforcement
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Human trafficking
Law enforcement; Human Trafficking
在許多歐盟國家當局準備了個人被販賣的 '指標',以説明識別被販運的者,即告訴故事蹟象的清單。這些僅供使用者流過前線機構,包括入境事務處官員、 員警、 衛生工作者和非政府組織。 ...
個別援助計畫 (IAP)
Law enforcement; Human Trafficking
這是聯合開發的個案經理和協助被販賣的人的目標、 活動和服務 — — 根據個人的需要 — — 明確界定的書面的協定。
Law enforcement; Human Trafficking
基於充分暴露于所有事實 ; 任何免費的自願許可或批准建議或要求的東西充分瞭解決策,包括任何涉及的風險意識和任何可用的選項。資訊共用是"知情同意"不可或缺的組成部分。 ...
Law enforcement; Human Trafficking
人類被販賣的者招募或移動在他們自己的國家內,而不是跨國際邊界販運案件。在更複雜的情況下,移民已離開自己的國家一次在另一個國家的販運者上當,並在該國家內移動。技術上這也可以被稱為國內販運人口,但這種用法需要額外的解釋。 ...