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General tobacco
A product that is processed by dry plant leaves of the genus Nicotiana. Tobacco is most commonly used as a drug, but can also be used as a pesticide. It is the product that is used in cigars and cigarettes, chewing tobacco, snuff, and flavored shisha.
Industry: Tobacco
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General tobacco
Tobacco; General tobacco
傳統用於在斯堪的納維亞半島的咀嚼煙葉的表單。製造過程包括幹去除。此後,的煙草葉片是紡和"扭"在一起用手到鋼絞線。鋼絞線是把切成塊。最後的水分含量是通常高於 15%。產品是咀嚼,隨後被廢棄。 ...
Tobacco; General tobacco
咀嚼煙葉中北美和印度傳統上使用的表單。產品通常包括的鬆散裝滿剪切或顆粒狀無干的煙葉可向其中添加附加成分。最後的水分含量是通常高於 15%。的活頁產品往往銷在袋裡。 ...
Tobacco; General tobacco
咀嚼煙草產品主要應用於印度的一種形式。產品通常由石灰和其他香料煙粒子組成。產品棕色的顆粒狀外觀,可用以鬆散的形式和在 portioned 水囊。