Home > Industry/Domain > Arts & crafts > Ceramics
Of or pertaining to the art or technique of making objects of ceramic such as porcelain, earthenware or tile.
Industry: Arts & crafts
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Arts & crafts; Ceramics
Same as peeling: A defect in glazed and fired ware.The glaze flakes off in pieces particularly on edges.

1740 乾隆花瓶
Arts & crafts; Ceramics
16 英寸高的中國花瓶,正面有魚圖案,上方有金礦帶。它由不知名的老師傅在皇家窯為乾隆皇帝製造,帶有皇家印章標誌。2010 年 10 月 14 日以5310 萬英鎊拍賣,是中國瓷器賣過的最昂貴的一件。 ...