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Women’s health
Health issues and subjects specific to women, such as menstruation, contraception, maternal health, child birth, menopause and breast cancer. These issues are often related to the female human anatomy such as female genitalia and breasts or to conditions caused by hormones specific to females.
Industry: Health care
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Women’s health
不安腿綜合征 (RLS)
Health care; Women’s health
一種疾病,會導致一種功能強大的衝動要移動你的腿。變得很不舒服的時候你是躺著或坐在你的雙腿。某些人形容它為爬行、 爬網、 刺痛或灼熱感。移動讓你的腿感覺更好,但為時不長。 ...
Health care; Women’s health
主要的出生缺陷引起的神經管或在胚胎,發展出的腦和脊髓的結構發育異常。神經管缺陷是造成嬰兒死亡和嚴重殘疾最常見的出生缺陷之一。最常見神經管缺陷是無腦畸形、 脊柱裂、 腦膨出。在無腦畸形顱骨和大多數或所有的大腦不會發展。腦膨出是部分的疝大腦及膜覆蓋它。脊柱裂是開幕裝箱脊髓的列中。 ...