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Soil science
That science dealing with soils as a natural resource on the surface of the earth including soil formation, classification and mapping; physical, chemical, biological, and fertility properties of soils per se; and these properties in relation to the use and management of soils.
Industry: Earth science
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Soil science
Earth science; Soil science
(i) 最近運輸和存放的同時期的土壤表面地平線立即斐濟發生的材料。(二) A 術語,用來指定任何性質的感到不安或不受干擾的材料綜合或非綜合,這覆蓋之上的有用材料、 礦石、 抽提或煤,尤其是那些從表面采開放削減的存款按金。 ...
Earth science; Soil science
(i) 構成或包含大量的細的分數,特別的粉沙和粘土的紋理的廣泛組。(包括所有砂質粘土、 粉質粘土和粘土紋理類)。(ii) 時用來在美國 S.家庭粒子大小類土壤系統分類,具體定義為有粘土 %35%至 ...