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Soil science
That science dealing with soils as a natural resource on the surface of the earth including soil formation, classification and mapping; physical, chemical, biological, and fertility properties of soils per se; and these properties in relation to the use and management of soils.
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Soil science
Earth science; Soil science
封閉的低氣壓形成由表層的基岩 (例如,石灰石、 石膏、 或鹽) 解決方案或底層洞穴的崩潰。配合物落水洞碳酸鹽岩地形是喀斯特地形的主要元件。
Earth science; Soil science
通用的術語群眾運動地貌和的過程中度到快速 (大於每 30 年釐米) 下坡路快速運輸的引力的應力,大量的岩石和可能的風化的或可能不會水飽和。