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Reproductive systems
The reproductive system is a group of organs that is located in both males and females. Included in this system is the gender specific organs as well as a variety of organs that work together to reach a common goal of reproduction.
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Reproductive systems
Anatomy; Reproductive systems
子宮 (子宮) 是女性生殖性的器官。(期間它也佔據一部分由於它遭受的擴大腹部的妊娠) 子宮位於骨盆和它連接到子宮頸和輸卵管。胎兒在子宮內妊娠期間發展起來。 ...
Anatomy; Allergies and allergens
反復無常,雜亂無章衝動從腦室的生火。心室顫動和不能對合同或泵血到正文中。這是醫療的緊急情況,必須與心肺復蘇 (CPR) 和除顫,儘快治療。