Home > Industry/Domain > Military > Missile defense
Missile defense
Measures designed to detect, identify, track, and defeat attacking (ballistic) missiles in both strategic and theater tactical roles, during any portion of their flight trajectory (boost, post-boost, midcourse, or terminal) or to nullify or reduce the effectiveness of such attack.
Industry: Military
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Missile defense
Military; Missile defense
一般術語適用于部隊重大元素組成、 分配或附加,陸軍、 海軍或海軍陸戰隊和空軍,或兩個或更多的這些服務,授權行使業務控制單個指揮官下運作。又見聯合部隊指揮官。 ...
Military; Missile defense
這些業務和支援系統的特點,使它能夠隨著時間的推移有效和有效率地執行其指派的任務。支援系統的特點包括設計和系統運作所需的支援元素的兩個保障性方面。 ...