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Genetic engineering
The science of modifying and manipulating genes to create new artificial DNA or synthetic genes of different organisms. There are many purposes for genetic engineering, some of which include finding better treatment for diseases, or simply for discovering new organism of interest.
Industry: Agriculture; Biotechnology
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Genetic engineering
Biotechnology; Genetic engineering
接種密度下面的文化未能給予可重現的細胞生長。最小密度是一個函數儲存格行外植體物種) 的組織和接種物懸浮的文化階段。最低密度成反比減少聚合的大小和司率的股票文化。 ...
pro 核微注射
Biotechnology; Genetic engineering
初始方法的轉基因動物,涉及一個兩個的 pro 核的受精卵注入特定基因的多個副本。的成功率極低的特點。的微注射克隆基因的克隆胚胎生產的核轉讓,可以測試的傳輸到收件者女性之前轉基因表達的文化作為動物的克隆 (q.v.) 變得更加普遍,將取代 pro ...