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Speleology (also spelled spelæology or spelaeology) is the scientific study of caves and other karst features, their make-up, structure, physical properties, history, life forms, and the processes by which they form (speleogenesis) and change over time (speleomorphology). The term speleology is also sometimes applied to the recreational activity of exploring caves, but this is more properly known as caving, spelunking or potholing. Speleology and caving are often connected, as the physical skills required for in situ study are the same. Speleology is a cross-disciplinary field that combines the knowledge of chemistry, biology, geology, physics, meteorology and cartography to develop portraits of caves as complex, evolving systems.

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Aerospace; Space flight



Aerospace; Space flight

航太器軌道的路線,其中 periapsis 的位置變化對地球的表面有用的方式。見太陽同步。


Aerospace; Space flight



Construction; Heavy & civil

拉伸試樣寬度 (200 毫米) 軸的哪一整個側夾緊和 panjangnyaadalah 測試 100 毫米的尺寸。

yotta (Y)

Aerospace; Space flight

乘數,從拉丁字母的倒數第二個字母 x 1024。為 CGPM 見該條目。

zetta (Z)

Aerospace; Space flight

乘數 x 1021 從拉丁字母的最後一封信。為 CGPM 見該條目。

x 射線

Aerospace; Space flight

在附近 100 皮米波長的電磁輻射。
