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Speleology (also spelled spelæology or spelaeology) is the scientific study of caves and other karst features, their make-up, structure, physical properties, history, life forms, and the processes by which they form (speleogenesis) and change over time (speleomorphology). The term speleology is also sometimes applied to the recreational activity of exploring caves, but this is more properly known as caving, spelunking or potholing. Speleology and caving are often connected, as the physical skills required for in situ study are the same. Speleology is a cross-disciplinary field that combines the knowledge of chemistry, biology, geology, physics, meteorology and cartography to develop portraits of caves as complex, evolving systems.
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Professional careers; Occupational titles
專業人員維修氣動工具及空氣如氣動錘、 鑿子、 和鉸刀,電動機,使用修理工的工具。的職責包括: *啟動電機或工具,並聽聲音來查找故障原因。 *Disassembles 電機和修理或替換有缺陷的齒輪、 活塞、 連杆和其他部分,使用的水龍頭、 檔、 鉸刀、 扳手和其他的 ...
Professional careers; Occupational titles
作為專業人士,修理和維護氣動管輸送系統,使用 handtools 和精密測量儀器。的職責包括: *座落來源的麻煩。 *修理和安裝部件,使用 ...
Biology; Cell biology
一個或多個種群的雜交或具有潛在雜交繁衍後代隔離在所有其他生物的性質的有機體。種群的個人能夠雜交和生產可行、 肥沃的後代。至少具有包容性的 常用的分類類別。 ...
湖 Banook
Water bodies; Lakes
Banook 湖是位於加拿大新斯科舍省哈利法克斯市區域內達特茅斯淡水湖泊。是三個短跑獨木舟和皮艇家俱樂部、 兩個賽艇俱樂部,和已聲稱是冰上曲棍球的誕生地。 ...