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Speleology (also spelled spelæology or spelaeology) is the scientific study of caves and other karst features, their make-up, structure, physical properties, history, life forms, and the processes by which they form (speleogenesis) and change over time (speleomorphology). The term speleology is also sometimes applied to the recreational activity of exploring caves, but this is more properly known as caving, spelunking or potholing. Speleology and caving are often connected, as the physical skills required for in situ study are the same. Speleology is a cross-disciplinary field that combines the knowledge of chemistry, biology, geology, physics, meteorology and cartography to develop portraits of caves as complex, evolving systems.
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Garden; Gardening devices
捲筒紙機割草機,也稱為缸割草機 (人們熟悉的手推或自備電源缸草坪割草機),有水準旋轉圓柱捲筒組成的螺旋葉片,每個反過來跑過去的水準的刀具欄,生產連續剪式行動。只是高於地面的可調一級舉行了 酒吧和捲筒依賴機器,由運行在地上 (或由電機自備電源應用程式) 的輪子驅動的速度向前移動的速度運行。切草可能收集集合回收站中。 ...
Garden; Gardening devices
連枷割草機有一些小葉片對附加到水準軸鏈的末尾。切削速度打草的 ax 樣首長進行。或更嚴厲的植被比草,如畫筆 (擦除) 上粗糙的地面,哪裡可能經常犯規,葉片,由其他物件,使用這些類型。鏈的長度和更高的葉片重量,他們是在切割厚刷其他割草機,比任何時候都更好因為相對較高,葉片的慣性。切的材料可能聚集在集合的垃圾桶內某些類型中。作為繁榮割草機 (見上文) ...
Personal care products; Perfume
同樣經典繪畫和音樂,可視為一種經典的香味。是有深度的香味結構的一種樣式,通常花絕對 (3-10%) 的比例較高不是在現代風格香水中找到。 ...