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Non-profit organizations
Abbreviated as NGO, and also known as not-for-profit organisation; an organisation that does not distribute its surplus capital to shareholders or owners, but instead uses them to pursue its original goals.They are usually exempt from income and property tax and most often include charitable organisations, trade unions and public arts organisations.
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Earth science; Mapping science
線、 連續或折斷,繪製,使它和給定的直線之間的區域是完全 1 任何段第一行的行之間的區域時,直線的頻率的線所代表的數量成正比。或者,它是與相應頻率函數圖。 ...
Earth science; Mapping science
天線組成的兩個單獨的、 打開行中的結束的導線和短的距離。相鄰的端點連接到無線電接收機或無線電發射機的碼頭。通常稱為偶極子的短時可能不會混淆。偶極天線容易了,輕鬆地豎立,和佔用空間少如果在其中大多數的衛星傳輸頻率進行或接收。 ...
Earth science; Mapping science
代表鏡頭系統引起的線性失真的曲線。被繪製與圖像點從光學軸作為 abscissas 的徑向距離和正確的 (未扭曲) 距離為縱座標從徑向位移。 ...
Earth science; Mapping science
(1) 溝興建調水及其自然的通道。(2) 約平行剪切 backslope 防止表層水流過的斜坡的削減,或針對土堤腳的頂部的開放、 人工航道。,其目的是從侵蝕坡防護。 ...