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Based on the one world principle, globalization is the process of bringing the world together into one integrated global community both economically and culturally. Technological advances in transportation, and telecommunication, including the rise of the Internet and mobile networks, have all served to increase the pace of globalization.
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Personal care products; Perfume
從沉香樹,和被調用的舊或蘆薈木材。樹,當攻擊的一種常見的真菌,產生了長期被用作在中東地區的香及香水,現在被認為的來源,由於對過度捕撈野生瀕危的芳香樹脂。 ...
Software; Operating systems
一個設施用於房子特派團重要電腦系統和相關的元件。它通常包括環境控制 (空調、 滅火等)、 / 備份冗余電源、 冗餘數據通信連接和高安全性的 ...